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+55 (11) 2657-7314

São Paulo | SP

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 4.221
1º Andar
CEP 04538-133

Porto Alegre | RS

Rua Manoelito de Ornellas, 55
23º Andar

CEP: 90110-230

Joinville | SC

Rua Ministro Calógeras, 343
12º Andar
CEP 89202-207

Curitiba | PR

Praça São Paulo da Cruz, 50
12º Andar
CEP 80030-480

Florianópolis | SC

Rua Bocaiuva, 2.125 – 2º Andar
CEP 88015-530

Evermonte is part of the Evermonte Executive Search group. Executive recruitment and selection group with recognized experience in the national market. Evermonte is structured with the best digital practices to meet the most complex projects in the Brazilian territory, carrying out the recruitment and selection of professionals for C-Level and Top Management.

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